Michitoshi Hayashi
Research Fellow, CCMS
Ph.D. , Department of Chemistry,Tohoku University, Japan (1992)
Office: CCMS / PHYSICS Building R1021
Phone: +886- 2 - 3366-5250
Email: atmyh@ntu.edu.tw
Molecular Theory Lab.
Labs: R730、R731、R732、R733
Phone: +886- 2 - 33665243
(1) Interaction between photons and periodic materials
(2) Actitation of d-orbital electrons in various low-dimensional chalcogenides
Theoretical and computational studies of
(1) Terahertz and Raman vibrational spectroscopy of periodic materials such as molecular crystals, polymers, hybrid perovskites,
(2) Optical excitation of molecular crystals, polymers, low dimensional systems
(3) Chemical reactions on the surface of low-dimensional materials
Director: Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University (2018-present)
Research Fellow: Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University (2008-present)
Associate Research Fellow: Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University (2003-2008)
Assistant Research Fellow: Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University (2000-2003)
Post-Doctoral Fellow: Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica (1994-2000)
Post-Doctoral Fellow: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Arizona State University (1993-1994)
Post-Doctoral Fellow: JSPS (Chemistry), Tohoku University (1992-1993)