
Are the Standard-Model Parameters Free?

Dr. Hsiang-Nan Li from Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica
@ Chin-Pao Yang Lecture Hall(Room 104), CCMS-New Phys. building


Contrary to what was taught in textbooks, we demonstrate that at least some of the Standard-Model (SM) parameters are not free, but constrained dynamically by analyticity for internal consistency of the theory. As an example, we show that the mixing angles and fermion masses can be constrained by the dispersion relations for mixing phenomena. An important prediction from our formalism is that the neutrino masses in the normal hierarchy, instead of in the inverted hierarchy or quasi-degenerate spectrum, match the observed Pontecorvo-Maki-Nakagawa-Sakata matrix elements. The lepton mixing angles larger than the quark ones can also be explained.

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