
由2010諾貝爾物理獎原子層石墨烯、2016諾貝爾物理獎拓墣相領航,低維度新穎電子相躍身為當代材料物理核心課題,相關材料開發與應用隨之邁入原子級設計成長時代。台灣過去之產業、學術發展與半導體習習相關,半導體工業即將進入數奈米時代,相關技術面臨終極挑戰,以原子級技術開發新材料對未來至關重要,因此需有佈局學術、深耕未來之規劃,本中心以國內大學唯一的實體研究中心—凝態科學研究中心(2500坪實體空間與既有研究資源)—為載台,整合建立於台大的科技部新穎材料核心設施、亞洲頂尖(the Best in Asia outside Japan)的顯微能譜專家、具國際能見度的低維度材料應用平台,構成三大軸向:(一)原子級材料設計成長、(二)原子級能譜解析、(三)原子分子級材料應用。此三大軸向將開發低維度新穎電子材料,並逐步建立具國家實驗室雛形之專家系統及New Materials Made in Taiwan的國際品牌。期能將新穎原子級材料核心技術生根台灣,為台灣未來將面臨的工業材料革命提供一積極有效之選項。

New materials drive new sciences, with modern quantum phenomena largely centered on two- and low-dimensional materials. In the AI-MAT, particular focuses have been put on single-crystalline materials with two-dimensional (2D) layered structures, atomically-thin 2D substances, atomically-sharp superlattices and correlated novel properties. Dr. Fang-Cheng Chou, Prof. Chun-Wei Chen, and Prof. Chia-Wen Wu are the three PIs in charge.

[Figure]: Three main categories of new materials grown by atomic design: (a) single crystalline materials, (b) 2D atomic layered materials and (c) atomic architectures.


The modern advance in material-growth techniques expands the form of matters from conventional bulks to a plethora of low-dimensional replicas, ranging from atomically-thin flakes, few unit-cell films, to molecular-scale assemblies. The reduced dimensionality of this kind has been known to harbor exotic quantum-electronic states in graphene and derivatives, new form of ordering at oxide interfaces, and enhanced functionality of atomically engineered substances. These findings raise the outstanding problem of why there shall be the emergent properties at low dimensions, with the addressing of the structure-property correlation behind demanding for spectroscopic probing with high spatial resolution. Tackling this latter challenge comprises the central objective of this thrust and plays a critical role in shaping the pipeline from atomic materials design (Thrust I) to advanced functionalities (Thrust III). Thrust II is hence dedicated to an EXPERT SYSTEM on spectro-microscopy techniques that encompass electronic and optical spectroscopies from mesoscopic to atomic scales. The five PIs, Dr. Ming-Wen Chu, Prof. Cheng-Yen Wen, Prof. Ya-Ping Chiu, Dr. Woei-Wu Pai, and Dr. Yu-Ming Chang, are the most recognized experts on the related subjects in Taiwan.


Development of novel materials and advanced spectroscopies and microscopies (both static and in-situ/operando) has enabled innovative technologies in an unprecedented manner. Meanwhile, the quest of a sustainable society has stimulated resource-conscious and environmental-friendly energy technologies. In Thrust III, we focus on the atomic and molecular functionalities of new materials; in particular, our aims are to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, recycle waste heat, in the same time introduce renewable energy sources (such as solar fuels and thermoelectrics), as well as develop efficient and durable batteries and energy-efficient spintronic devices. Though seemingly diversified properties to investigate, manipulation of the materials and interfaces in the atomic and molecular level holds the key for optimizing their functionalities towards the targeted applications. There are 10 PIs dedicated to this thrust, Dr. Li-Chyong Chen, Dr. Michitoshi Hayashi, Dr. Leeyih Wang, Dr. Jauyn Grace Lin, Dr. Juen-Kai Wang, Dr. Chih-Wei Chang, Dr. Heng-Liang Wu, Prof. Hung-Hsiang Cheng, Prof. Hsuen-Li Chen, and Prof. Chi-Feng Pai. Specifically, four experimental-based topics and one theoretical framework will be addressed in the years to come, with the coherent goal of unraveling the structure-property correlation behind each material system.
