


(1).     傑出獎二名:每名獎金40,000元、獎狀乙紙。

得獎人員:李明浩Indrajit Shown

(2).     優等獎二名:每名獎金20,000元、獎狀乙紙。


(3).       作四名:每名獎狀乙紙。

得獎人員:鄭淑齡Rathinam RajaTadesse BilloSatyanarayana Samireddi



(1).     將於107109()18:00歲未年終餐會進行頒獎,請得獎人員於頒獎當日準時抵達餐會地點,若無法出席者請委託實驗室人員出席代領。

(2).     凝態中心歲末餐會地點:公館水源福利會館,餐廳地址:台北市中正區思源街162 (02)2369-4999

(3).     學術期刊論文競賽獲獎作品者將提供凝態中心於公開場合張貼。


Deal all,

Winners of 2017 CCMS Academic Research Poster Competition:

(1).     First Prize Award: $40,000 and Certificate.

Winners: Ming-Hao Lee, Indrajit Shown

(2).     Second Prize Award: $20,000 and Certificate.

Winners: Cheng-Li Chiu, Yu-Bing Lan

(3).     Merit Award : Certificate.

Winners: Su Ling Cheng, Rathinam Raja, Tadesse Billo, Satyanarayana Samireddi


(1).     The Awards Ceremony will be held at 18:00 on January 09, 2018 (Tuesday) in CCMS year-end party. The winners should appear on time in the venue. If you are unable to attend, please endorse somebody from the laboratory to collect for you.

(2).     The venue of CCMS year-end party: La marée Branch

Address: 台北市中正區思源街162 2nd Floor, 16 Siyuan Street, Prince House-NTU Hsiu-Chi House, Shui-Yuan District, Gong-Guan, Taipei, Tel. (02) 2369-4999.

(3).     The posters of the winners will be posted in CCMS public area for exhibition.



凝態科學研究中心行政室  敬啟

CCMS Administration Office

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