








  1. 學術研究成果發表參展,每個實驗室提供至少一張研究成果海報張貼。


  2. 學術期刊論文競賽,自由參加但需符合獎勵申請辦法。


  3. 技術創新競賽,自由參加但需符合獎勵申請辦法。


  4. 有意申請中心學術期刊論文或技術創新競賽者請詳閱附件4獎勵辦法。

  5. 相關辦法與表格可至連結點下載:



  • 報名日期: 即日起~2020年12月10日()截止收件

  • 成果發表會日期: 2020年12月21日()12:00-15:00

  • 地點:凝態物理館一樓大廳。

  • 申請者請於活動當日親臨解說或討論。

  • 上述時程仍需以凝態中心實際公告日期為主。

台灣大學凝態科學研究中心  敬啟


2020 CCMS Academic Research Joint Presentation

Registration is now open. Welcome to join us!

The purpose of this event is to encourage students, RAs, and postdoctoral researchers to observe and learn from each other, and to boost research and development.

Instruction for registering:

  1. Poster presentation: Each lab is required to provide at least one research poster.

    (Please fill in Attachment 1: CCMS Academic Research Joint Presentation Registration Form)

  2. Journal essay competition: This one is optional. To apply, you must meet the requirements.

    (Please fill in Attachment 2: CCMS Essay Competition Registration Form)

  3. Innovative techniques competition: This one is optional. To apply, you must meet the requirements.

    (Please fill in Attachment 3: CCMS Innovative Techniques Registration Form)

  4. For applying for essay competition or innovative techniques competition, please refer to Attachment 4.

  5. Registration information and forms can be found here:


Please note:

  • Registration Deadline: Thursday, December 10th, 2020

  • Date: 12:00-15:00, Monday, December 21th, 2020

  • Venue: CCMS Physics Building 1F Lobby

  • Applicants must be present on the day of presentation.

  • The above dates may change. Check CCMS bulletin board for updates.


Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, National Taiwan University

November 10nd, 2020 

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