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- 美國哈佛大學應用物理學博士 (1983-1989)
- 國立台灣大學物理系學士 (1977-1981)


Office: 台大凝態物理館 R1020

Phone: + 886 - 2 - 3366-5249


E 4


Labs: R1002

Phone: +886- 2 - 33665231


臺大物理系講座教授 (2023-present)

臺大凝態科學研究中心合聘特聘研究員 (2023-present)

臺大物理系合聘教授 (2021-2023) 

臺大新穎材料原子級科學研究中心主任 (2018-present)

臺大凝態科學研究中心主任 (2012-2018)

臺大凝態科學研究中心研究員 (2000-present)

臺大凝態科學研究中心副研究員 (1994-2000)

美國奇異公司研發中心材料科學研究員 (1989-1994)

美國哈佛大學研究生兼任助理 (1983-1989)

臺大物理系專任助教 (1981-1983)


世界科學院院士 (2024)

中央研究院第33屆數理科學組院士 (2022) 
教育部學術獎 (2018)
台灣真空學會會士 (2018)
台灣傑出女科學家獎 (2017)
亞太材料科學院院士 (2015)
阿查亞維諾瓦國際材料科學與技術獎, 印度 (2013)
侯金堆傑出榮譽獎_材料組 (2012)
台大特聘研究員 (校級, 2011- present)
傑出人才發展基金會傑出人才講座 (2010-2015)
國科會傑出獎 (2010-2013)
美國材料學會會士, 美國 (2010)
國際花喇子模獎, 伊朗 (2009)
國際發明家協會女士獎 (2009)
國科會傑出學者研究計畫 (2008-2011)
英國皇家工程學院傑出訪問學者, 英國 (2008)
台大特聘研究員 (院級, 2007-2011)
瑞典林雪平大學榮譽博士, 瑞典 (2007)
國科會傑出獎 (2007)
中華民國物理學會會士 (2006)
台大研究成就獎 (2004)
中研院年輕學者研究著作獎 (2000)
Reinhold Rudenberg Memorial Prize for Graduate Student, Harvard, USA (1989)
IBM Predoctoral Fellowship, USA (1986-1988)


本實驗室的主要研究領域在半導體、光電與能源材料,並著重於利用先進薄膜技術來合成低維度奈米材料,探討其成長機制、微結構與各種物理及化學性質的關係,從而開發其應用潛能。 本實驗室著重於碳基奈米材料(包括奈米碳管與石墨烯)、矽與三-五族氮化物、金屬氧化物、環大錯合物等材料系統與其低維度複合結構之開發;已建置相當多元之化學與物理氣相沈積設施,例如:磁控濺鍍、分子束磊晶、原子層沈積、微波與電子迴旋共振電漿化學氣相沈積等等。展望未來,於節能光電與永續能源領域之基礎與應用研究上,無論是燃料電池、超級電容、光催化、太陽能電池或熱電,本實驗室將致力於開發基於物產資源較豐富元素之新穎材料,並著重於建置綠色與環保之製程。


1.   Member of the Board of Trustees:
National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, Taiwan (2018-present)
2.   Member of the Commission on Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter (C.10):
International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) (2018-2020)
3.   Member of the Board of Directors:
Materials Research Society (MRS), USA (2017-2019)
4.   Series Editor, Member of the Series Board:
World Scientific Publishing Company (WSPC) Series in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (2015-present)
5.   Advisory Editor:
Book Series on Energy and Sustainability, Cambridge University Press and the Materials Research Society (2013-present)
6.   Editorial Advisory Board:
Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences, Taylor and Francis (2004-present)
7.   Editorial Board:
Advanced Mater. Lett., VBRI Press (2010-present); Intl. J. of Molecular Engineering, Inderscience Publishers (2007-present); Nanosci. Nanotech. Lett., American Scientific Publishers (2010-2012); Open Phys. Chem. Journal and Open Appl. Phys. Journal, Bentham Science Publishers (2007-2013)
8.   Associate Editor:
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B-Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures (2004-2006)
9.   Meeting Co-Chair:
TACT International Conference on Thin Films (Tainan, 2015; Taipei, 2013; Kenting 2011)
10.   Meeting Co-Chair:
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, USA (2009)
11.   Meeting Chair:
AVS-International Conference on One-dimensional Nanomaterials, Taipei, Taiwan (2005)
12.   Symposium Chair:
MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA (2008);  IMRC/China-MRS, Chongqing, China (2008); 214th ECS & Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemistry & Solid-State Science (PRiME), Honolulu, HI, USA (2008); 213th ECS, Phoenix, AZ, USA (2008); International Conference on Metallurgical Coatings and Thin Films (ICMCTF), San Diego, CA, USA (2004-2007)
13. International Advisory Committee:
European Conference on Diamond, Diamond-like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrides and SiC (Riva Del Garda, Italy, 2013;  Granada, Spain, 2012; Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Bavaria, Germany 2011; Budapest, Hungary, 2010; Athens, Greece, 2009; Sitges, Spain, 2008; Berlin, Germany, 2007; Estoril, Portugal, 2006; Toulouse, France, 2005; Riva Del Garda, Italy, 2004)
14. International Advisory or Program Committee:
8th Forum on New Materials (CIMTEC), 2018; 6th Intl. Conf. on Novel Functional Carbon Nanomaterials, 2018, Perugia, Italy; International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons (NDNC), 2018, Flagstaff, AZ, USA; Advanced Materials World Congress (AMWC), Stockholm, Sweden, 2015; 6th Forum on New Materials (CIMTEC), on Novel Functional Carbon Nanomaterials, Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy, 2014; Intl. Conf. on Nanosystems and Applications, Coimbatore, India, 2012; Intl. Conf. on Nanomater. & Nanotech. (ICNANO), Delhi, India, 2011; SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, 2011; NANOCarbon-IVESC, Nanjing, China, 2010; 6th Intl. Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN), Tampa, Florida, USA, 2010; IEEE Nano, Seoul, Korea, 2010; 2nd Intl. Conf. on Surface, Coatings and Nanostructured Mater. (NanoSMAT), Algarve, Portugal, 2007; Thin Films, Singapore, 2006; 11th Intl. Ceramics Congress and 4th Forum on New Materials (CIMTEC), on Diamond and Other New Carbon Materials, Sicily, Italy, 2006; 6th Intl. Symposium on Blue Laser and Light Emitting Diodes (ISBLLED), Montpellier, France, 2006
15. Guest Editor:
Diamond and Related Materials Vol. 18, Issues 2-3_Proceedings of the International Conference on New Diamond and Nano Carbons 2008, ed. I. N. Lin, K. H. Chen, L. Chang, L. C. Chen, and Y. H. Tzeng, Elsevier B. V. (2009)
16. Proceeding Editor:
Carbon Nanotubes and Related Low-Dimensional Materials, ed. L. C. Chen, D. B. Geohegan, J. Robertson, and Z. L. Wang, MRS Symp. Proc. Vol. 1081E, Warrendale, PA (2008)
17. Proceeding Editor:
State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 48: ZnO, InZnO and InGaO Related Mater. & Devices for Electronic and Photonic Applications, ed. M. E. Overberg, F. Ren, B. Gila, P. S. Nam, H. Ouyang, L. C. Chen, Y. Heo, J. Kim, J. LaRoche, P. Shen, and K. Shiojima, ECS, Pennington, NJ, Vol. 1, No.2. (2008)
18. Faculty Advisor :
MRS University Chapters-National Taiwan University (2015-present)
19. Chair:
Pacific Rim Subcommittee of MRS, USA (2010-2011)
20. Founding President:
Taiwan Chapter of AVS (2006-2008)
21. Councilor:
Taiwan Association of Coating Technology, Taiwan (2003-2007, 2010-2021)
22. Member of the Board of Supervisor:
Taiwan Electrochemical Society, Taiwan (2021-present)
23. Supervisor:
Society of Taiwan Women in Science and Technology (2011-2013)
24. Supervisor:
Taiwan Vacuum Society, Taiwan (2009-2012)
25. Vice President:
Physical Society of the Republic of China, Taiwan (2006-2007) & Councilor (2003-2009)