Introduction to jet physics

Prof. Hsiang-nan Li from IOP-Academia Sinica

@ Room 104, CCMS-New Physics Building


Jets, abundantly observed at high-energy colliders, carry information of underlying events, hard dynamics from both strong and weak interactions, and parent particles that produce jets. Study of jets is crucial for understanding physics within the Standard Model and for searching new physics. In this talk I will briefly explain how to construct jets and how to extract physics from jet structures. 


Brief biography:

Hsiang-nan Li received his PhD from State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1992, then became a faculty member of National Chung-Cheng University and  National Cheng-Kung University, and joined Academia Sinica as a Research Fellow since 2001. His research interest focuses on perturbative quantum chromodynamics for heavy flavor physics and collider physics.

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