Principles and applications of lithography to 1/20 wavelength

Dr. Burn J. Lin from Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited


    Lithography has progressed from intuitive practices in the 80s for delineating multi-micrometer geometry at least an order of magnitude of the imaging wavelength, to delineating a small fraction of the imaging wavelength, i.e. single-digit nanometer dimensions. This lecture will cover several key parameters and concepts to help support this tremendous progress. The topic include, resolution and depth of focus scaling equations, imaging science, aerial and resist images, E-D trees, E-D forest, lithography galaxy, techniques to improve resolution, and immersion lithography.

Brief Bio:
    Burn J. Lin is a R&D Vice President and Distinguished Fellow at TSMC, Ltd. He has been extending the limit of optical lithography for more than four decades at IBM, Linnovation, and TSMC.

    Dr. Lin is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering (美國工程院院士), Academician of Academia Sinica (中央研究院院士), ITRI Laureate (工業研究院院士), IEEE Fellow, and SPIE Fellow. He received the 2013 IEEE Nishizawa Medal, 2009 IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award, 2009 Benjamin G. Lamme Medal, and 2004 SPIE Frits Zernike award.

    Dr. Lin has published 1 book, 3 book chapters, 133 articles, and 88 US patents.

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