Modeling neutrino flavor oscillations in supernovae: decoherence, coarse graining, and effective model

吳孟儒 教授 Prof. Meng-Ru Wu from Institute of Physics, Academia Sinica

@ Rm. 104, Chin-Pao Yang Lecture Hall, Department of Physics, NTU


Neutrinos are known as key players in explosive astrophysical explosions like the core-collapse supernovae and the binary neutron star mergers. The expected supernova neutrinos from the next galactic event are also expected to be messengers to probe various important issues in astrophysical, nuclear, and particle physics. However, state-of-the-art supernova or merger modeling have not yet included one of the fundamental properties of neutrinos -- their flavor oscillations in numerical simulations. In this talk, I'll first highlight the need for such an implementation. I'll then discuss our recent efforts toward achieving this goal, which is made possible by constructing an effective transport model using the coarse-grained characteristics based on separation of scales and the decoherence that occurs at small scales.

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