After the Higgs discovery, the whole HEP community is facing a major question: what is next ? In this talk, I will introduce initiatives of circular colliders, in particular, the proposal from China: CEPC+SppC. I will talk about its science case, the conceptual design, and the prospects for the realization of the project. I will also discuss ideas of international collaboration.
Brief Bio:
Dr. Yifang Wang obtained his B.Sc on nuclear physics in 1984 at the Nanjing University, China, and Ph.D on high energy physics in 1991 at the University of Florence, Italy. He worked subsequently in MIT and Stanford University in US and joined IHEP in 2001.
He has been worked for the L3, AMS, Palo Verde, KamLAND, BESII & BESIII, Daya Bay and JUNO experiments.
At IHEP, he led the design, construction and science efforts of the BESIII experiment as the project manager and spokesperson. He initiated the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment and led the experimental effort. He is now leading the JUNO reactor neutrino experiment to measure the neutrino mass hierarchy.
He is now the director of IHEP, and served in many advisory panels in the world. He is a recipient of several awards, including the Panofsky Prize for Experimental Particle Physics by APS, and the Nikkei Asia Prize for Science, Technology and Environment.
December 08, 2015 02:20 PM-03:20 PM
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The vision of CEPC-SppC
Yifang Wang from Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences