The functionalities of traditional optical component are mainly based on the phase accumulation through the propagation length, leading to a bulky optical component such as lens and waveplate. Plasmonic metasurfaces composed of artificial structures have attracted a huge number of interests due to their ability on controlling the optical properties including electromagnetic phase as well as amplitude at a subwavelength scale [1]. They therefore pave a promising way for the development of flat optical devices and integrated optoelectronic systems. In this talk, several research topics for photonic applications based on metasurfaces will be performed and discussed: Beam deflection [2], highly dimensional holographic imaging [3], versatile polarization generation and analysis [4], multi-functional and tunable metadevices [5], achromatic metasurface devices [6] and engineering non-radiating anapole mode in free space [7].
[1] N. Yu, and F. Capasso, Nat. Mater. 13, 139-150 (2014).
[2] S. Sun, et. al., Nano Lett. 12, 6223-6229 (2012).
[3] Y.-W. Huang, et. al., Nano Lett. 15, 3122-3127 (2015).
[4] P. C. Wu, et. al., Nano Lett. 17, 445-452 (2017).
[5] Y.-W. Huang, et. al., Nano Lett. 16, 5319-5325 (2016).
[6] S. M. Wang, P. C. Wu, et. al., Nature Commun. 8, 187 (2017).
[7] P. C. Wu, et. al., under review.
Brief Bio:
Din Ping Tsai received Ph.D in Physics from University of Cincinnati, USA in 1990. He worked at Micro Lithography Inc., California, USA; Ontario Laser and Lightwave Research Center, Toronto, Canada; and National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan from 1990 to 1999. He joined Department of Physics, National Taiwan University as an Associate Professor in 1999, and became Professor and Distinguished Professor in 2001 and 2006, respectively.
He served as the Director General of the Instrument Technology Research Center (NARL) located in Hsinchu Science Park, Taiwan from 2008 to 2012. He is the Director and Distinguished Research Fellow of Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica since 2012. He is a Fellow of AAAS, APS, IEEE, OSA, SPIE, TPS and Electro Magnetics Academy. He is also Academician of Asia Pacific Academy of Materials and Corresponding Member of International Academy of Engineering.
He currently serves as Editor of Progress in Quantum Electronics, Associate Editor of Journal of Lightwave Technology, Member of Editorial boards of Physical Review Applied, Optics Communications, Plasmonics, ACS photonics, and Optoelectronics Letters, respectively. He is now the President of Taiwan Information Storage Association. He was the Director of the Board of SPIE and Committee Member of IEEE/LEOS Nanophotonics; OSA Fellows & Honorary Members; SPIE Fellow; IEEE Joseph F. Keithley Award; OSA and IS&T Edwin H. Land Medal; respectively. He was also President of Taiwan Photonics Society; Chairman of IEEE Instrument and Measurement Society Taipei Chapter; and Chairman of the SPIE Taiwan chapter.